Garden in November

Garden in November

By November, the snow has come to some parts of the country, and the days and nights are getting colder. Therefore, November is a quiet month in the garden because there is not much to do.


If you have a greenhouse or a conservatory, you can use bubble wrap to create a wintering room for your Mediterranean plants in cold November. The bubble wrap insulates while also letting light through to the plants. For example, you can insulate your olive tree, citrus plants, thyme, or rosemary.

When the temperature drops below zero, you will also need to use with a fan heater, so that the plants do not freeze. Don’t forget to air out the small bubble wrap space that you have built around the plant, otherwise condensation will form which will cause mould on the plants.


If more leaves have fallen on the lawn, you should rake these up, otherwise they risk suffocating the grass when the snow comes. Rake the leaves under bushes or into flowerbeds. There they will decompose and enrich the soil with nutrients, which is good for the plants.


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